Sound Attenuation

Whether you are building a residence or a commercial office complex, your building may require deliberation on sound attenuation. We offer a variety of premium sound mats which will ultimately reduce the noise levels to the greatest extent.

Services connecting with sound attenuation include:

  • 1/8″ Mats to 1/2″ Mats
  • The sound control mats reduce the noise by using its core of fused entangled filaments, attached to a non-woven fabric, creating a void area between the subfloor and gypsum cement.
  • Underlayments are then placed on top of the sound mats to ensure the smoothest, fire resistant, and level surface.
  • Establishes low sound-rated flooring with proficient STC & IIC ratings that may vary by overall floor system.

Our team at SCS is the ideal choice to help design and install the right sound control systems for your project. For more information or questions on your sound attenuation needs, contact us today at Streets of Chicago Services.